
How to protect sowing with forests

If you want a safe cultivation process, you must ensure that they are protected from all sorts of environmental hazards. The wind is one such factor, and so you can protect sowing from this natural phenomenon by forests plantation. You must remember that the forest will be sown according to all rules drawn up by theoretical and experimental methods.

How to organize such a plantation

The first thing you have to do is to adjust the scale on your farm or on a particular plantation. After analysis, you have to understand whether the soil is wet enough, how well the snow is distributed, and the degree of wind power. You can adjust these parameters by planting forest trees.

The next stage is three steps:

  • optimal tree type choosing,
  • geometric shape and size of the forest area calculating,
  • tree location adjustment.

In addition, you need to make sure that the forest stands grow in a fairly large area. The next step is to organize planting processes in a way that is optimal for a particular climate, soil and farm.

Which trees are used

There is no all-purpose option. Pine, birch and larch trees are those that grow in temperate latitudes. In other climatic latitudes, there are those plants that are best suited to a particular climate and yet possess all the necessary qualities for successful growth there.

You should also remember that the analysis of the future forest is a very important stage that will help you to decide on the type of trees for the future forest. During this process, you must determine the optimal height, the tree trunk thickness, and the number of branches and leaves. In this analysis, experts will help you.